Sophia is finally slowly coming out of her non-eating phase. When she first started eating solid foods, it was great; we could not get her to stop eating. She was constantly shoveling food into her mouth and we were confident that she was getting all the basic nutrients needed to grow up healthy and strong. Then, what Tom and I refer to as "the depression" began when Sophie just stopped eating. She became picky about EVERYTHING and we began to worry about her and her non-existent eating habits. We voiced our concerns to her doctors, to our mothers, to our friends and to anyone who would listen and there was a consensus that babies Sophia's age go through these phases. We were repeatedly told that Sophie would eat when she was ready. Well, that was easier said than it was to live through. We did everything we could to creatively come up with ways to get this kid to eat and....nothing. She would pick and pick and pick and once in a while our hopes would be lifted when she would have two bites instead of one...only to be let down when the second bite was followed by her plate and everything on it hitting the floor or the dogs (who would conveniently camp out under Sophie's chair).

Recently Sophie has started to eat again; showing some interest in something other than her bottle or juice cup or anything equivalent to infant junk food. We've been able to re-introduce fruits and vegetables and even meat back into her diet and boy what-a-relief! Sophie's most favorite food is yogurt...she loves the stuff! She eats it until it should be running out of her ears. Her favorite is Stoneyfield yogurt with real bits of fruit mixed in (especially blueberries). Our initial experiments with Sophie and yogurt proved to be productive yet quite messy...many a shirt was destroyed by her uncoordinated eating. We finally figured out that there was only one way for Sophie to eat yogurt.....shirtless!!!
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