Sophia will be turning 2 years old in January and I can't believe how fast time goes. She is growing up to be such an amazing little girl. She is s
peaking really clearly; saying full words and half sentences, almost sleeping through the nights but there is the occasional bad dream or upset tummy. Her level of responsiveness is awesome; she is so empathetic. I love to hear her talk and in the midst of a "Sophie" sentence she giggles like what she just said (which in most cases, only she can understand) was the most hilarious thing ever.

Although Soph is around kids everyday, I still see hints of her experiencing that "only child" syndrome. She normally plays well with others but she has no problem with just playing by herself from time-to-time. Occasionally, I've noticed, when playing with others, that she will become possessive of the things she is playing with and will not want to share (even if the things she's playing with don't belong to her). We try to immediately help her to understand that she needs to
share with others; that is something that we try to instill in her daily even at this age.

We have noticed something in her development lately; we believe Sophie will be a "lefty." She has been eating pretty consistently (and pretty messily) using her left hand. Every once-in-a-while she will switch hands but for the most part, she almost always uses her left. I'm told that left handed individuals use the right side of the brain more
and tend to have a higher IQ and be more artistic.....we'llllll seeeee.

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