So I'm sitting at my desk at work and I hear one of my co-workers say that "they" are sending the National Guard to Chicago? "Wait a minute...I live in Chicago!" I started to worry and think the unthinkable before I caught my breath and thought that if something significant had happened, I'm sure my husband would be blowing up my phone right now. Nonetheless, I quickly jumped on the Internet, feverishly searching for some explanation to my co-workers outburst and what I found, sadly did not surprise me. The headline read, "Two State Politicians Issue A Request For Military Intervention". Two democratic politicians from Illinois were proposing that the National Guard, America's military reserve, be used to assist police in stabilizing Chicago's most crime ridden neighborhoods.
So far, in this year alone (2010) as of April, Chicago has experienced 113 murders. So, I never thought that I would say this but my first response to this idea of military action was "Hell Yes!" We have innocent babies dying in our streets senselessly and over what?!?...drugs, some gang banger's idiotic need for retribution or control over what they perceive as their "turf" or something even more ludicrous? I understand that murders occur everyday around our City but there seems to be a large concentration of these crimes occurring in low income, urban areas. Every time I turn on the television or radio, I am disgusted by the stories of lives lost to senseless violence and the total disregard for human life. Maybe it's irresponsible of me to agree with the whole National Guard thing because it could lead to more death but at some point we have to realize that what we are currently doing to combat this problem, is not working.
I get it! I hear the stories of why this is happening...low income + ingrained poverty (or hopelessness) - less resources (or perception of less resources) - opportunity = increased gang and overall criminal activity. However, I've got to ask, how long can we use this equation? Both of my parents grew up in the 30's and 40's during the great depression and lived through the civil rights era. Poverty and inequality were rampant, yet during my parents time, those who suffered through this poverty and inequality still had a higher regard for human life and an overall respect for themselves and those around them. I'm not saying that crime did not exist during my parents lifetime because anyone who knows their history knows that is simply not true. What I am saying is that people had a greater regard for their children, their growth, education and general well being. Also, children were raised to respect their parents, their elders, their teachers and they were raised to believe in something even if they had nothing. In those days people had a greater regard and pride for their belongings and their community and they suffered many, if not more, of the issues that the impoverished suffer through today with even less resources.Yet, today we have individuals who just don't care; they don't care about human life and they have no respect for themselves or for the other human beings living around them. Some don't take advantage of any of the resources afforded them (the resources that many of our leaders of today and those who came before us have fought so hard for) and seem to rather live in perpetual poverty, hopelessness and chaos.
I have respect for the law enforcers, the politicians and the concerned citizens who have worked diligently to make a difference and get control of this situation but, honestly, something more is needed. How many more people, young and old, have to die before we take a serious stand to stop the madness. The National Guard idea may seem extreme but let's not be fooled, this is a war that we are fighting. So, unless we want to keep sitting by and watching our children die, while we meet, talk, rally and meet, talk and rally again, maybe it's time to take a different approach. I say, "Bring on the National Guard!!!"
Being Trapped in a Thought~
7 years ago