Sophia is having a wonderful summer with LOTS of swimming (we can't keep her out of the pool) and play dates at the park. We'll be leaving for Denver in a few weeks for my family reunion and Tom and I are excited about taking Sophia on her first trip out of state. We decided to make it a road trip instead of flying and we're just praying we made the right decision. Although we plan to make the trip over the course of two days...car trips and 1-year old doesn't always mix well. We'll see and at least it will give more interesting stuff to post on my blog.
Here's some more Stinky McDinky (Tom came up with this name for Sophia when he had to change her first really stinky diaper and unfortunately for her...it stuck).
Here's some more Stinky McDinky (Tom came up with this name for Sophia when he had to change her first really stinky diaper and unfortunately for her...it stuck).