We celebrated Father's Day yesterday; this will be Tom's second Father's Day as an official "daddy" and he's done a great job for a first time father. I could not ask for a better father for my child; he is everything a father should be...patient, encouraging, loving...etc, etc, etc. During my pregnancy, I went through all the normal stages that a mom-to-be goes through. I had the hormone attacks, the unusual eating habits (midnight runs to the store for ice cream) and Tom bore it like a champion. He went to almost every doctor's appointment and if I ever forgot something the doctor had told me, I didn't have to worry because Tom always kept the best mental notes. He would rub my feet and back after work even though he should have been the recipient considering his laborious trade was much more taxing on him physically that mine was on me. During my labor, a time that some men cannot handle, Tom was by my side the entire time, coaching me, holding my hand, telling me that he loved me and when Sophia was born, Tom was there to cut the cord and be the first to embrace our child. There was not a day that went by that I was not absolutely sure that he was happy and exciting about being a dad and now almost two years...I still have no doubts.

I tell Sophia everyday how lucky she is to have such a wonderful man be her father. Tom's love for his little girl is so powerful and it is reflective in everything he does and says daily. Parenthood, as any parent knows, is not easy but it is so much easier when you share it with someone who has the same hopes and dreams for their children as you do. Tom and I, don't agree on everything (who does), but we share a belief in the core ideals and values that we want to instill in our child.
So, this Father's Day we celebrated my awesome husband for being a magnificent father. I know so many kids who are fatherless or whose parents are separated or divorced and the father is not in the home and it makes me feel so blessed...not just for myself but also for Sophia. There are many single parents out there who have the incredibly difficult job of raising a child or children alone and they deserve serious kudos for what they do. It is not easy to raise a child with both parents in the picture, I can't, and hopefully will never have to know, what it's like to raise a child alone. I'm sure, for those who have had to, they would not choose to do it alone but because of some unforeseen circumstance this is the hand that they were dealt. So, Happy Father's Day to all those dads and moms out there who are raising their kids together or alone...you are amazing. Oh! and don't forget those wonderful grandparents who are raising their grandchildren....kudos to you; you, too, are AMAZING!!!
To my husband, Tom...I love you with all of my being. You are a great father and wonderful man. I am so happy to be spending my life with you and raising our daughter together. I look forward to our future together and the many adventures yet to come.
Happy Father's Day to my daddy, Rudy and to Tom's dad (also my daddy), Ed. We miss you and we love you. You are always in our hearts and minds.