Happy Anniversary to the love of my life, my husband Tom. We've been married now for 8 years and it has been a whirlwind experience. As with many couples, we've had our ups and downs but we've fought through the obstacles and conflicts to come out, together, on the other side.
A few years ago, I think I had a very idealistic and naive view of what a relationship (both marriage and friendship) was suppose to look like. Life has a way of putting all things in perspective for you if you live long enough. My life experiences have matured me in so many ways and while many of the lessons were difficult to swallow, I am thankful that I endured and lived through them. I am a stronger person today because of what I endured yesterday and I believe the same applies for any relationship. If you can weather the storm together as a couple and harness your emotions so that they work for you instead of against you, I believe that any relationship can come out of conflict stronger than before it went in.
In our 8 years together, Tom and I have experienced many things as a couple; we've been on the brink of destruction just to turn it around and walk hand-in-hand on cloud 9 (the birth of our daughter). I could not see going through it all with anyone else other than him. He has been my strength when I was weak, my common sense in the midst of anger, my comfort in sadness and despair. He is my husband, the father of my child, my lover and best friend. Seeing our relationship change and grow has given me a renewed faith that maybe there really can be an always and forever.
I love you honey; Happy Anniversary!
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